Ultimate Meditation Kit review

Ultimate Meditation Kit review

So as we living in a very fast world. Most people don't have enough time for meditation. That's why there was created a program "Ultimate Meditation Kit review" It shows you a simple technique of meditation for recovering your brain and body just in a few minutes. This method is so simple that any human can learn it in a very short period of time. As I'm using this tutorial myself I can say that it really works very well.

Since we have touched upon the subject of the influence of meditation on the human brain, it is worth considering it in greater depth. Scientists have conducted research and have found that during meditation, the amygdala body, which is responsible for emotional reactions, significantly shrinks in size, which has a positive effect on the human psyche, i.e. it becomes more balanced and less reactive in its responses to stimuli coming from the external environment.


The connections between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex of the brain are weakened, which also leads to greater calmness and stimulates higher brain activity, and is responsible for increased levels of concentration and attention.


Post-meditation effects include balanced operation of both hemispheres of the brain. Usually one of the hemispheres dominates. For example, the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logical thinking, verbal processes, etc., dominates in more analytically oriented people, and the right hemisphere in those who are called artistically oriented prevails. It is capable of intuitive perception of the outer world; that is why it is associated primarily with creative processes, such as drawing, playing an instrument, writing and composing music, etc., i.e. with those activities that require imagination and use of non-standard solutions and methods. By the way, energetic and spiritual practices are also right-hemispheric, because they are related to the development of imagination, visualization, and other similar abilities.


Meditation classes have a great advantage over other types of practices in that they can help balance the left and right hemispheres, which will add order to your life. It is important to note that the concept of meditation must be interpreted correctly. People sometimes mistakenly assume that meditation is the process of silently contemplating some abstract point in front of you and that it goes on for hours and hours and things like that.


This is partly true and partly not. The fact is that there are many kinds of meditation in the world. There are not only those that are done from a sitting position, but there are also dynamic meditations, where the meditative process takes place in the moment of movement. Perhaps people associate meditation with the Lotus pose because a course of vipassana, aimed at developing concentration skills with gradual immersion in the meditation process itself, involves many hours of sitting in padmasana (Lotus pose).

Meditation for awareness, enlightenment, loving-kindness, and other important and attractive purposes is trending today, as they say. One may casually mention meditation or engage in it seriously, either on one's own or with the help of apps and seminars, attending groups, and going to retreats. It is popular and even, as many claims, quite healthy, at least mentally.

Scientists have proven for the first time that meditative practices reduce the body's concentration of cortisol, the stress hormone. In a compilation of Psychosomatic Medicine, objective evidence for this link is presented.

In the study, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Cognitive Sciences and the Brain (Germany) involved 332 people approximately 41 years of age. 197 women and 135 men practiced guided meditation for nine months six times a week for 30 minutes.


Various programs were developed for the volunteers, including techniques for concentration training, mindfulness practices, so-called social-cognitive skills, and the ability to disengage from one's thoughts.